Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted was to be a “grown up”? Everyone told you not to rush it. “It’s not as great as you think it will be”, they would say, knowingly. The situation is not so different for those of us in the MultiValue community. We have been talking for years about wanting to be more mainstream and more recognized, but as we extend our reach we may find that, just like being a grown-up, being mainstream isn’t all it is cracked up to be. This is particularly true as it relates to security.
For years we’ve been able to crouch behind ‘security by obscurity’ as cover. Unfortunately, even if our flexible database remains fairly obscure, we are all busy pushing our data out to SQL and widely used reporting databases and web interfaces.
We are moving stuff around through very mainstream methods – and lauding the fact that we are doing so.
Our user interfaces, networking and generally data in motion are NOT unique to the MultiValue world.
There are some general security issues and ideas that are the same no matter what the platform, the threat or the year. The details between these guideposts are the specific vulnerabilities in MultiValue and secure coding practices for the environment.
(to be continued.)